“Sand for the Toes”

The title of this blog is a phrase I saw in the documentary of Kara Tippetts called The Long Goodbye- The Kara Tippetts Story. It was in a brief clip that probably would have gone unnoticed if I hadn’t recently had an impactful moment connected to this phrase – Hence the reason for it being the title and inspiration for this blog. I don’t know the impact and significant meaning it holds for Kara, but I know what it means to me.

I was meeting with a sweet friend, having conversation and catching up. Soon, with heavy hearts, we got deep and shared hurts. My friend honestly shared of her longing to be in a season of “beach walking”; of feeling the sand between her toes. And I was longing right there with her. But after she spoke those words another thought came to mind: that sand is crushed rock. I began to think on that and came to a conclusion. Maybe it is in these hard, hurting places – when it feels like we are stepping on sharp rocks – that we are actually preparing the ground for our sandy beaches. Maybe our seasons of “beach walking” are only truly appreciated after having gone through the battle of rock crushing.

In this season I have been drawn to a lot of scripture, but one in particular is Genesis 32:22-32. It talks of Jacob wrestling with God, and how he continued to fight until he received his blessing. There have been countless times that I’ve been tempted to throw in the towel and give up the fight. But I realize that I don’t want to miss out on receiving God’s blessing. I don’t want to miss out on receiving the fullness of joy in God’s presence just because the rocks seem too much to bear. I don’t want cheap earthly pleasures – as an alternative – when I can fight to be in the presence of God in all circumstances.

God never promised life would always be walking on sandy beaches. Rather, He warns that we will have trouble in this world. But! He tells us to take heart because He has overcome the world (John 16:33). Our ultimate blessing isn’t receiving materials and wealth, but receiving God Himself. To know that there is a God who goes before us and has plans to give us hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). And as hard as it is to trust – especially when it is painful – that He does have thoughts and ways that are higher than our own (Isaiah 55:8-9). And He is working it all out for our good (Romans 8:28).

So I will keep these truths as “Sand for the Toes.” That despite the state of my circumstance, I will keep fighting to receive the blessing here. And as hard as the fight may be I will go from strength to strength on this pilgrimage of faith (Psalm 84:5-7). I am not in a season of “beach walking,” but I am grateful to look back and see that I am no longer on sharp rocks either. The more I have wrestled the more the rocks have weakened and chipped away. It is less of a sharp pain and more of a dull ache now. I still have my moments, and I always will, but I see hope breaking through. It is just the beginning to the sand between my toes.

I am praying for any of you who are in similar seasons, and I hope to God you can begin the pilgrimage to “beach walking” again.

God Bless.



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